School Alerts

Pupil & Sport Premium Grants

What is Pupil Premium Funding?

Pupil Premium funding is additional funding for publicly funded schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all ability levels to close the gap between them and their peers. Each year this funding is deployed in a variety of ways to support disadvantaged pupils and this is reviewed each September to identify the impact and assess the needs for the following year.

The government outlines pupils in the following categories to be eligible for pupil premium:

· ‘Ever 6 FSM’

· Looked after children

· Service children

It is the responsibility of the Principal and School Leaders to determine where to allocate the funding.  The next review of our Pupil Premium funding will take place in July 2021.

Highgate Primary Academy School Strategy

At Highgate Primary Academy we aim to use the funding to help to breakdown any potential barriers to children who may have faced any form of disadvantage at some point in their educational journey with us. We aim to ensure that all children, regardless of background, have the highest quality education and opportunities to ensure they reach their potential. When considering how we spend the PPG we ensure that we use the latest research and evidence from EEF ( and evidence from school based findings.

Please click on the links below:

PP Strategy 2021 2022 New Strat report Final

PP Strategy 2021 2024 3 year plan – reviewed July 22.


Previous PP Strategy plans and evaluations below:

HPA 2019-20 PP Strategy Intended Spend

HPA 2018-19 PP Strategy Evaluation

PP December 2020

Sport Premium Grant

The Government provides funding each academic year to be spent on PE and sport.  This goes directly to schools who will decide what is best for their children’s needs with the aim of improving the quality of provision.

Please click on the link below:

Funding Report 2021 2022 Highgate

Funding Report Jan 2022 update

Impact Report Sports Premium 2021[25084]

PE Funding Impact Report 20192020

Sports Premium Impact Report 22-23 FINAL


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