School Alerts

Clubs and Activities

We offer a Breakfast Club and a wide range of extra-curricular activities during the year in order to meet the needs and interests of our pupils, which enrich the children’s lives by providing them with the opportunity of learning new skills, including teamwork.

Clubs and activities not only promote physical well-being but sportsmanship and teamwork.

Our Autumn 2022 leaflet:

After School Clubs

Breakfast Club at Highgate Primary Academy 

Laura Sunley Principal

Breakfast club is open to all children who attend the primary school full time.

• To provide care for children within the school community that meets the needs of parents/carers.
• To provide a happy, welcoming, safe and secure place where all children are valued.
• To provide a range of structured play activities to engage and stimulate the children.
• The breakfast club is open Monday-Friday from 7:45pm – 8:45 pm.
• The club is available for children from Reception to Year 6.
• The club is located in the school hall. Parents are required to deliver in person their children via the reception entrance to the breakfast club leader in the school hall/office staff
• The children will be offered a choice of toast or cereal with a choice of drink. Children with any dietary requirements will be catered for.
Typical activities will include: Individual toys, Lego & construction and Board games.
We ask that no items are brought in from home as the breakfast club will not be responsible for any loss or damage.
• Children will be sent to their classrooms by the breakfast club leader for registration.
The school rules and behaviour policy will be followed to ensure consistency for the children at the club. We expect good behaviour and respect for others. The breakfast club reserve the right to withdraw the service if a child’s behaviour is unacceptable.
First Aid
The club has access to first aid and the member of staff will hold a current First Aid Certificate. All accidents will be recorded in the accident book and reported to the parents/carers via a slip at the end of the school day. In the event of a child falling ill or having an accident, normal school policy and procedures will be followed and parents will be contacted as soon as possible
All staff are trained in Child Protection procedures and follow the recording and reporting procedures identified in the Safeguarding Policy.
Booking is available via ‘My Child At School’ ( MCAS) , the school’s booking and cashless system.
Fees and Payments
The fee for Breakfast Club is £2.50 ( at present) per session. NO ARREARS WILL BE PERMITTED. This fee is payable in advance via the MCAS cashless system. Your child will not be able to attend the club without payment. Payment is to be made via the cashless system only NO CASH IS PERMITTED.
The only cause for cancellation would be school closure due to adverse weather conditions or problems with the school building e.g. no heating or water supplies. In the event of closure a member of staff will contact parents as soon as possible. School closure through adverse weather conditions will be on the school website.
If the school cancels the club, or your child does not attend, the balance will be carried forward no refunds will be given.
Equal Opportunities
We are committed to taking positive and proactive steps to ensure that we provide a safe, caring and welcoming environment, which promotes and reflects cultural and social diversity and is equally accessible to all. We adhere to the school’s Equal Opportunities policy.
All complaints will follow the school’s Complaints Policy which can be found on the school website.


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