We are committed to serving the families in our local community to the best of our ability.
The current building originally opened in 1913 as two separate schools – Infant and Junior. The two schools were amalgamated in 1969 to serve children from 5-11 years. Recent improvements bringing light, wide corridors and a new-build extension give a spacious, airy and calm feel.
The Academy’s aim is to provide a stimulating learning environment which will provide opportunities for each child to develop her or his potential to the full. We intend that each child will develop self-awareness and an understanding of the world in which he or she lives. Moreover, we aim to develop positive attitudes towards learning, working together and caring about others; our aim is that children at Highgate Primary Academy will develop the skills needed to respond creatively and appropriately in different situations.
Please click on the document below to view our most recent full Oftsed report (February 2013) and our Short Inspection Report (July 2017)
July 2017 Short Inspection Report
Please visit the Parent View website to register your views.